Friday, February 1, 2013

How to Invade a Country that has Nukes

It is impossible for a nation to conquer nation that is armed with nukes. Even if the would-be invading nation has nukes, it will not attack because it is in both nations' interest to avoid the devastation of a nuclear war. This is the basis for the Stability-Instability Paradox that reigns in modern times.

However, there is a much simpler way to invade a country with nukes, but it cannot be done by a nation, and it takes longer than even the (so far) 11 year old US Afghanistan war. Indeed, it takes generations, but it is more efficient than any military campaign. It boils down to immigration, miscegenation, and multiplication.

Obviously, getting foreign nationals into a country can be difficult. Also, they'll be coming from many different nations which may not get along. However, in places like the England and France, Muslims will constitute a majority within a matter of decades (unless immigration is curbed). If they create a new Islamic Republic via democracy, it may become a member of the Arab League. It likely would not be ruled by an established Moslem nation, so the invasion would not be an imperialistic venture. But it would be almost guaranteed to re-carve the invaded nation into one more friendly to the nations whence the immigrants came.

If immigrants multiply fast enough, then they can ally with similar immigrants to displace native peoples. They might use government to open up immigration more, once they gain a 51% majority. They may not need a majority if they can get some native sell-outs to go along with them. This coalition would push for either more overall immigration or more immigration from specified nations, which would presumably be Islamic nations in the case of England and France. In the case of the United States, they may vote for increased quotas for Latin American countries. But first they'll need some generational gestation before they can spawn a takeover of the native population.

Protestants in 20th century America worried about being displaced by Catholic immigrants from nations like Italy, Ireland, Germany, and Poland along with other Catholic European countries. These immigrants, particularly the Irish, had huge families, as was encouraged by Catholic Doctrine and priests. Eventually, Catholics began to practice birth control, and some started marrying Protestants. In fact, today modern Catholics of European descent probably have much lower birth rates than protestant southerners. Moreover, the heart of Catholicism, Rome, nestles in the nation of Italy which has one of the lowest birthrates world-wide.

However, Latino Catholics still have very high birth rates. The question is whether they will end up like the European Catholics or whether they will continue to have a lot of children. In the case of Europe, the Muslims are a more sequestered group, and may be immune from the cultural influences of feminists and materialists, so they will likely retain high birth rates with only a few of them spinning off into a life of childless European modernity.

Miscegenation, or sexual race-mixing, is the fait accompli of conquering a nation. The descendants of mixed couples usually identify with the one they look like most. Because Moslems come from stock bearing genes that are phenotypically dominant over European genes, the child will look more like the Muslim parent and thus will identify more with him. As an American example, Barack Obama looks more like his black Islamic father than his white atheist mother. He did not become Muslim, but he did identify more with his father's race because he looks more like his father. So, even if the products of miscegenal unions do not identify as Muslims religiously, they will identify as middle-easterners, Africans, Asians, etc. In all modern cases of immigrant invasion, miscegenation is far more of a subtraction of the native population than of the immigrating one, not to mention the fact that the natives would already be shrinking due to birth rates below replacement rate.

As a matter of anthropological fact, the immigrant population will also endeavor to miscegenate with the native population for several reasons. For one, the immigrant population may consist more of men than of women, and because men are usually the initiators of a relationship, the men will resort to coupling with native women. This will seem easy because the native women will look better than immigrant women for a number of reasons. The native country will be European and most of the immigrants will not be. Surveys in anthropology reveal that all races consider the nordic female to be the most attractive type of woman. Women of European countries obviously tend to be more nordic-looking than non-European immigrant women, and they would presumably be more available since there will be relatively more of them compared with the immigrant population which would consist more of men.

Also, there is greater use of plastics in England and France, and these have estrogrenaical effects on women, making them look more feminine and attractive. As proof of this, look at any highschool yearbook of white women from 1935 or earlier and you'll notice that the young women look far more masculine than they do today. Poor, immigrant-generating countries have little to no exposure to plastics, so their women do not tend to be as estrogenaicly-pumped. Estrogen from plastics affects native males by blocking their testosterone, so they will seem less pheromonally attractive to native females than immigrant males, despite on the net being more physically and socioeconomically attractive.

Native males also come from areas that have more Internet access and are thus more likely to see a lot of high-speed Internet pornography. Excessive viewing of high speed porn causes people to experience a decrease in dopamine levels which leads them to be less interested in real girls because dopamine is the hormone which helps men have drive to chase after girls they like. Furthermore, pornography may take the place of real women in native men's minds or may raise the bar in terms of beauty so that native men ignore native women they would otherwise find attractive if their standards hadn't been artificially been raised by porn stars or females in movies and print.

In some cases, immigrant males may practice more sexual license with native women if they view them as part of an inferior, immoral culture or an "infidel" religion. This phenomenon has been observed in the rape epidemic in Sweden being perpetrated by third world Mohammedan immigrants. This mentality would not provoke miscegenal unions, but it may result in pregnancies from one-night stands.

As a final note, European women are terrified of being called racist, so many of them will be unable to think of a moral justification for refusing the advances of immigrant men. If a frustrated immigrant calls a native woman a racist for refusing him, she may relent to his appeals to prove her non-racistness. Once he makes sexual advances, she becomes physiologically linked with him and may stay with him despite having other ideals in mind. There's also the syndrome whereby an immigrant may tell endless sop stories to a native woman, leading her to take him in out of sympathy.

For the reasons mentioned in the prior two paragraphs, miscegenation is inevitable given present biological and sociological conditions.

The three-pronged attack of immigration, multiplication, and miscegenation takes generations to complete, but it is the only way to successfully invade a nation with nukes.

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