Friday, April 1, 2011

Homosexual Movement's Vocabulary Imperialism

Many formerly straight words have been co-opted for use by the gay movement.

partner, partnership, ally (at King's College), silence, gay, pride, queer, straight, orientation, closet, union.

rainbow, equality (or equal), rights, marriage.

The rainbow has even been "enlisp-ed" into an army of words and symbols being used in the effort to normalize homosexuality. By abstracting homosexuality from its essence--a sexual attraction--and by getting people to associate it psychologically with positive things--like a rainbow--that are totally unrelated to said attraction, activists attempt to effect a positive psychological association where there was none.

According to anthropologists, there has never been a culture that has sought to verbally equivocate a man-man physical relationship with a man-woman one, until the modern "liberal" Western culture. In the past, man-man relationships were never considered for normalization or family building, and thus there is no word equivalent to "marriage" to describe them. Rather than come up with a new, appropriately different word to describe the man-man sexual relationship, activists have sought the one already in use known as marriage.

Therefore, no word developed naturally to describe homosexual relationships, and the ascription of "marriage" to them is an artificial borrowing from straight culture.

Perhaps the hope is that by calling a monogamous man-man sexual relationship 'marriage', the stubborn resistors who reject the normality of man-man sexual relationships will soon lose their nerve and acquiesce to the language. Just as in Animal Farm, the hope is that future generations will conform their beliefs to the language.

But language cannot obscure reality. The meaning of words must return to their equilibrium of accurate description.

So even if there is total victory for the homosexual movement, and every human being alive accepts the idea of man-man sexual partnership being called marriage, marriage will then be used to describe two radically different types of unions. Hence man-man relationships will always be distinguished from man-woman ones on some level.

Even today, "gay" marriage is distinguished from regular marriage.

Imperialism for naught.

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