Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Blue Hawaii & Birth Certificate Blues

An article on the American Thinker blog alleges that a friend of Hawaii's Governor said he couldn't find a birth certificate on record for a one Barack Obama. It's a secondary source, yet has convinced many. Now, even Chris Matthews is harping on Obama to show the document in an official way.

Many believe Obama has shown his birth certificate, but what he has shown is a certificate of live birth (COLB), and while such document suffices for Hawaiian citizenship, it does not necessarily prove one was born on US soil (or in Hawaii), since COLBs were given out rather liberally during the early years of Hawaii as a state, even to children not born in Hawaii. Moreover, the COLB may have been fabricated. Regardless, it appears to be a rather elusive document, as nobody has seen it in person.

Moreover, legal experts allege that the US laws that were active when Obama was born would have made Obama's mother too young to pass on citizenship to him if she did not have him in the US. Many calls for Obama to reveal his original long form birth certificate, and court cases to this effect, have all been ignored or stuck down. The supreme court has rejected hearing at least one birth certificate case.

There has been a long list of allegations, including one election clerk saying that everybody knew Obama had no birth cert., to Orly Taitz saying that Obama has used multiple Social Security numbers.

One Hawaiian official has stated that Obama's documents all check out, but they have offered no specifics or proof for these statements.

Yet, the state of Arizona may mandate that in order to get on its ballot for president, one must prove natural born status. Now, even Chris Matthews and a columnist for the liberal magazine Mother Jones both say they want Obama to show the original document, at 6:45 through the video below.

UPDATE 5-20-11 Now that Obama has shown an original long-form birth certificate, most questions surrounding his birth have faded. Some believe it might be a fake. But even if it is, at least Obama has put forth the effort to lie... Regardless, the birth certificate controversy seems like a rabbit hole to avoid falling into.

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